120 v capLove+ LiverOK - Silybin-Phosphatidycholine Complex (SPC) Major Ingredients: Silybin-Phosphatidycholine-Vitamin E Complex (SPC) that contains Silymarin (Silybin), the leading and the most studied liver health support agent, which is extracted from Milk thistle seed. Phosphatidycholine (PC), an essential phospholipid, which is extracted from soybean with U.S.A. technology. PC is required for the assembly / secretion of VLDL and for solubilizing cholesterol in bile. Without adequate PC, fat and cholesterol accumulate in the liver. Research indicates that PC promotes liver regeneration, protects liver cells from toxin-induced damage and slows down their aging process. Vitamin E, a natural anti-oxidant for additional liver protection. LiverOK is made in the USA with the best ingredients available in an FDA approved manufacturing facility. Are you sure that your supplements contain what's on the label? WHY IS LiverOK is different from other liver supplements? LiverOK SPC offers synergistic effects that supports health of the liver, as well as nervous and cardiovascular systems: increases the solubility of Silymarin while maintaining its antioxidant properties for high bioavailability (Nutrients. 2018 Aug 23;10(9). pii: E1153. doi: 10.3390/nu10091153.). improves liver functions and helps protection of liver cells (Loguercio C et. al. Free Radic Biol Med 2012;52(9):1658-65, Federico A et. al. In Vivo 2015;29(5):569-575.) a precursor for intracellular messenger molecules that are central to cell signaling and thereby influence cell function alleviates obesity-related complications such as body weight gain, lipid accumulation and excess fats, helps maintain cardiovascular health provides choline which can be oxidised into betaine, betaine is a methyl donor in the remethylation of homocysteine to reduce risk of cardiovascular problem protects the liver from alcohol, helps repair damaged liver cells Additional benefits of LiverOK : HELPS BOOST THE HEALTH OF ALL OUR CELLS With over 70 trillion cells in our body, it is important to keep our cells healthy. PC is the predominant phospholipid in all cell membranes, including brain cell membranes. Therefore, PC is an essential nutrient for optimal health but we may not get enough of it from diet or lose it as we age. Without PC, cells age faster and do not function optimally. LiverOK replenishes the cell PC for better longevity of not only the liver and brain but all other organs. PROMOTE HEALTHY BRAIN CELLS & SUPPORTS THE AGING BRAIN About 60% of the brain is fat. Low levels of body PC impact the brain, affecting memory, mental alertness, behaviour, and focus, especially as one ages. LiverOK supports the integrity of neuron membranes, its PC helps the neurotransmitter in our brain work more efficiently, leading to an overall better cognitive health, through enhanced neuroplasticity SUPPORTS NERVE & COGNITIVE FUNCTION Choline was recognized as a required nutrient by the US Institute of Medicine in 1998. Choline is used for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine for muscle control, circadian rhythm, memory, and many other neuronal functions. LiverOK is an excellent source of Choline. An increase of choline and acetylcholine in the brain is critical to establishing healthier neural connections and cognitive function and contributes to enhanced concentration, memory and focus for a longer period of time. PROMOTES LIVER HEALTH Low levels of PC are linked to poor liver function. Research indicates that PC in LiverOK promotes liver regeneration, protects liver cells from toxin-induced damage and slows down their aging process FAT METABOLISM PC in LiverOK promotes the healthy flow of bile and aids in the utilization of fats & cholesterol and support lipid health that benefit the cardiovascular system. WHY YOU NEED LiverOK? Do you have poor liver function, high liver fat, unhealthy diet, alcoholism? Do you smoke, sleep late, take medicines long-term? Are you having trouble keeping your concentration more and more often at work or school? Do you sometimes feel like you can’t concentrate enough because you feel tired for no reason? Are you concern about the health of your nervous system and cardiovascular system? If you are experiencing these problems or lifestyles, LiverOK is the perfect solution! How to Use? Children, people receiving continual prescribed medication or pregnant should consult doctor before use. For health maintenance: Take 2 capsules once a day. For those with poor liver function: 2 capsules two times a day. Content:120 capsules per bottle
Greenfield Organic Eye Health @12,000mg
藍莓葉黃素精華 每粒含12,000mg
歐洲野生藍莓 Bilberry 又稱為山桑子或越橘,生長於北歐森林中,是一種可食用的深藍色漿果,野生野長、無法人工種植,需要人工手採取得,採收後要立即冷凍保存活性,十分珍貴。由於北歐當地夏季日長夜短,所以受充足陽光照射的 歐洲野生藍莓 Bilberry 成熟時所含花青素比在市面一般人工種植 藍莓 Blueberry 多5倍以上,對視力的保健作用亦較優越。
源自北歐芬蘭極地森林裏的野生藍莓,純淨無污染,每粒含 40倍* 歐洲藍莓凍乾精華,12,000毫克(mg)至尊含量的強大抗氧化作用能有效保護眼睛組織,調節肌肉彈性,促進微血管血液循環,減少自由基對眼部細胞破壞,延緩視力衰退,提升視力,改善眼睛乾澀及疲勞。結合源於萬壽菊精華豐富的 葉黃素及玉米黃素,可有效阻隔電腦或智能手機背光中傷眼藍光,有助維持視網膜中心區域最敏感部位「黃斑部」健康。適合亞洲人強效複合護眼配方,融合八種天然純植物萃取的護眼關鍵營養精華,3星期# 改善各種視力問題,護眼至尊,明眸再現。
成分:歐洲野生藍莓 Bilberry (源自北歐芬蘭極地森林)、葉黃素及玉米黃素(源於海拔1150米至1480米墨西哥地區的 萬壽菊萃取精華)、葡萄籽精華、天然維他命C、鋅 Zinc、胡蘿蔔素 Beta Carotene、硒 Selenium
* 1粒 = 40倍* 北歐野生藍莓凍乾精華
* 12,000毫克 至尊藍莓含量,護眼首選
* 3星期# 改善 近視/ 遠視/ 散光/ 老花
* 改善眼睛乾澀及疲勞,明眸再現
* 葉黃素及玉米黃素阻隔 電腦、手機藍光
* 適合 亞洲人複合配方,預防 黃斑部退化
* 孕婦、學生、老人、6歲以上小童、素食、食物敏感、關注血糖 適用
建議服量: 成人至12歲以上每日1至2次,每次1粒,6歲至12歲孩童每日1粒,於餐後服用最佳。
適合人群:孕婦、學生、老人、6歲以上小童、素食、食物敏感、關注血糖人士、常用電腦或智能手機者、辦公室工作者、關注眼睛問健康人士、成人、駕駛者、配戴眼鏡人士、曾接受眼部手術人士。 -
Greenfield Organic Super C Plus 1000mg (Blister Pack)
維他命C橘子玫瑰果咀嚼片1000mg 150片(獨立包裝)烤橘子是亞洲自古以來治療感冒民間療法。咀嚼片富含豐富維他命C,能活化白血球,防禦感冒病毒入侵。增強免疫力,有助降低感冒嚴重程度和持續時間。柑橘類萃取精華有橘子皮「橙皮苷 Hesperidin」成分,對於中樞神經有鎮靜效果,抑制喉嚨痛,止咳,「洋葱素 Quercetin」抗敏收鼻水,有效舒緩鼻敏感。這種適合亞洲人的配方特別與礦物質結合,以緩衝天然維他命C酸度,也令維他命C在人體內可以延緩氧化,更好發揮其免疫功能。維他命C促進鐵質吸收,改善貧血。配合玫瑰果萃取精華幫助骨膠原合成,減淡雀斑黑斑。並且有天然橙味,美味可口 。
源自澳洲純天然柑橘類萃取精華。每粒含1000毫克(mg)植物性維他命C,性質溫和,水溶性,不會在體內積驟,相當於吃12個有機橙所吸收的維化命C。免疫抗氧 (Industry Leading)
* 1000mg植物性維他命C
* 相當於吃12個有機橙所吸收的維化命C
* 橙皮苷Hesperidin舒緩喉嚨痛、止咳
* 洋葱素 Quercetin 抗敏收鼻水
* 玫瑰果有助骨膠原合成,減淡雀斑黑斑
如有嚴重感冒或流感症狀:每天可 *含服* 五至六粒,忍受到酸可放在舌底 *含服*,於餐後服用最佳。
適合人群: 孕婦,小童,關注健康、預防流行性感冒人士,傷風感冒人士,抵抗力弱人士,鼻敏感人士,濕疹皮膚人士,愛美白人士,有雀斑黑斑人士,盼改善皮膚質素人士。 -
JointOK Plus
關捷健 Plus®
11.7g x 15 sachetsCollagen is abundant in tendons, ligaments, bones, blood vessels and connective tissues. JointOK+ is a unique scientific-based food supplement containing proprietary award-winning specific collagen peptides, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D that helps keep bones, tendons and ligaments healthy. JointOK+ increases Bone Mass Density (BMD) by contributing to higher synthesis of collagenous bone matrix and provides the framework of calcium (JBM 2021, JMNI 2020, Nutrients 2018, Nutrafoods 2018), and stimulates the biosynthesis of elastin for healthy tendons and ligaments (Nutrients 2019, JSSM 2018, SAJSM 2017). Calcium and magnesium are needed for maintenance of normal bones. Vitamin D helps absorption of calcium. Magnesium and Vitamin D are important for muscle and nerve function. (Ref. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements) 膠原是構成肌腱、韌帶、骨骼、血管和結締組織的主要物質。 關捷健+是有科學研証的強腱筋骨專方,美國FDA 認為安全天然食品,由德國生產,含有獲發明獎的專有骨骼筋腱特效活性膠原肽、鈣、鎂和維生素D,有助於保持骨骼、肌腱和韌帶的健康。 關捷健+促進膠原骨基質合成來增加骨密度(BMD)並鎻住鈣質(JBM 2021、JNNI 2020 、Nutrients 201g 、 Nutrafoods 2018),還激活彈性蛋白的合成以促進肌腱和韌帶的健康 (Nutrients 2019 - JSSM 2012 - 2018) • 鈣和鎂有助構建骨骼,對肌肉和神經功能也很重要,維生素D有助於鈣的吸收。(參考:美國術生研究所)
Greenfield Organic Super Food Chlorophyll
源自澳洲充沛陽光及純天然高葉綠素植物萃取精華,含淡淡喜馬拉雅山薄荷葉怡人清香。每10毫升 (mL) 含200毫克 (mg) 葉綠素,相當於進食2磅綠色蔬菜所攝取的葉綠素。排毒養生 (Industry Leading)
成分:淨化水、葉綠素 (羽衣甘藍、小麥草、紫花苜蓿) 、山梨酸 (花椒樹籽) 、喜馬拉雅山薄荷、索馬甜
* 調節身體微鹼性,維持身體最佳狀態
* 協助製造血液,賦予細胞陽光般的活力
* 帶走黏附細胞及血液中的毒素,排毒美肌
* 保健腸胃,預防胃潰瘍、結腸疾病
建議服量:每日早上服用10毫升mL (附量杯),於餐前服用最佳
適合人群:2歲以上兒童,成人,老人,關注排毒、便秘、濕疹人士,含氧量不足、貧血,關注體重及水腫,關注血糖、血壓、膽固醇人士。 -
10g x 15 sachets30多年歐美臨床研究 〉3,000 臨床證據 ,有效高達 90% 患者 (Goetz 1982, Adam 1991) 臨床證據 ,腸道吸收率 〉95% (Oesser 1991) LOVE+ JointOK (珍愛 關捷健 專利膠原蛋白肽) - 採用特別技術在德國從豬隻中分離出的 0.5-13 KDa 獨特膠原蛋白微份子成份,屬天然純蛋白質保健食品。 - 與一般膠原蛋白不同,成份獨特,有自 1979 年在歐美不斷地進行的臨床研究支持,證明吸收率 〉95% 並直接到關節、骨骼和肌膚組織, 微份子類似軟骨代謝物,自然有效刺激軟骨細胞,和組織增長再生,利用構成軟骨的大份子作修補和保護關節,舒緩退化和疼痛,促進關節健康,有助肌膚回復彈性。 - 沒有中西草藥成份,無農藥,是純正食品,無副作用,每天一包,安全健康。 - 沒有魚類、甲殼動物和乳清蛋白製品等致敏原,無添加劑或防腐劑,不同年紀、糖尿、過敏或高血壓、血脂和尿酸人士也可放心食用,適合關注骨骼肌肉健康人士,由年輕活躍好動以至長者。 - 為純蛋白質粉末,白色淡味,可以溶於水,或混和粥、奶、乳酪、麥片、湯或其他他飲料,又可製成果涷、軟糖、甜點食用,方便大人或小童和難以吞嚥藥片的人士。 膠原佔人體蛋白質約35%,是構成軟骨、皮膚、肌腱、韌帶、骨骼、血管和臟腑結締組織的主要物質。 - 100%德國研製的專利活性膠原蛋白肽微份子專方,既是膠原蛋白的組成件,又類似軟骨代謝物,配方獨特,成份天然,經美國哈佛大學醫學院和德國數十年至今多項臨床研究證明: 吸收率95%並直達組織,提供營養及啟動細胞令組織自然增長再生,安全有效地保護和修補損耗關節及週邊結締組織,減緩退化,舒緩痛楚,促進關節健康,更可幫助肌膚保濕和回復彈性。 - 激活細胞,深入強效修護肌膚關節,擊退肌膚鬆弛皺紋、關節咯咯聲和僵硬等歲月痕跡,抵抗衰老,延展健康活力。 此食品或有助於舒筋活絡和修護肌膚,既適合關注關節痛、頸項痛、肩周痛、膝和足跟痛的人士服用,又可重建緊緻嫩肌。關捷健®得到很多西醫、中醫師、脊醫和物理治療師選用。 功能: 修護軟骨、肌腱、韌帶和軟組織,舒筋活絡,有助關節輕鬆暢順 令肌膚緊緻、水凝嫩滑、減淡皺紋 促進傷口復原/促進骨和牙齒的生長/健全 適合關注關節肌膚健康人士: 包括運動員、長者、有糖尿、高血脂人士、低頭、上班族 ( Salarypeople )、低頭或不良坐站姿勢,缺乏伸展,穿高跟鞋等,令椎間或關節軟骨勞損人士、勞動、運動人士 ( Workers / Athletes )、經常重複動作或運動衝擊關節引致勞損、超重人士 ( Overweight )、負荷加速關節磨蝕、瘦弱人士 ( Thin )、肌肉不足,關節易損。 中年 / 長者 ( Aging ) - 軟骨細胞生長速度及修復能力減低,關節衰退。 媽咪 - 腰背痛 ( Low Back Pain ) 懷孕前、產後或家務工作操勞令脊骨和盤骨受壓,關節勞損。 腳腫 ( Ankle Oedema ) 少肉飲食令體內水份聚於腳踝 。 皮膚紋 ( Wrinkles) 出現於腹部、大腿及乳房或因歲月令肌膚膠原蛋白流失。 質量認證 / 獎項: Frost&Sullivan 歐洲保健食品大獎 美國FDA認可安全食品 國際運動委員會認可運動員食品 叧有猶太教和伊斯蘭教認證產品 食用方法 沖劑,每天1包(10 克),混和於冷或暖開水、飲料如湯、荳奶、牛奶、奶茶咖啡等,或食品如粥、燕麥、乳酪等,攪拌後飲或食用。 ( 溫度低於 50°C )